High School Fall League Information

by Daryn Goodwin

The Escondido Sports Center has done away with running the CIF High School League.  SD inline will now run the high school league, but also include players that are high school age and attend a school that does not currently have a team.   Inclusive approach, to give as many players a chance to play as possible.

Disclaimer.  SD Inline did not ask for this, but we do have the means to provide a structured league that is well ran so high school players can participate and enjoy roller hockey and represent their school.

Teams will be comprised 2 ways.

  • Traditional High School Team - Every player on the team will have to show proof of attending the school and one team fee will be paid, not individual payments.  Teams will provide their own coaches and school jerseys.   The only possible player exception would be the goalie.   If a high school team has a full team but no goalie, or does have a goalie but not available every game, we will do the best we can to find the fairest solution we can. 
  • Open Teams – Teams will be comprised of individual high school age players that do not have a team at their high school.  Players/Parents CANNOT build a team on their own!  It will be up to SD Inline to determine placement for these players.  They will be put on a team independent of any school affiliation with other players in the same situation.

Practices will be on Mondays.  Two teams will practice at the same time (half rink) at either 4-5pm or 5-6pm.  Coaches MAY also choose to combine team practices if attendance is small.  First practice will be September 30th.

Game will be played on Wednesdays.  Game Dates – Oct 2/9/16/23/30.   Nov 6/13/20.  Dec 4/11.

The league will consist of 10 practices and 10 games, 20 total skates. 

Teams entering as a High School Team - $2500.

Individuals entering to join a team - $250.

Registration Link. 

All players will also need Roller Hockey Alliance Insurance to participate in the league.  Cost is $30 and the membership runs from Sept-Sept.  Roller Hockey Alliance Website.  

Unfortunately, we’ve seen a 40% increase in our rink rental rate, so we’ve raised prices slightly.  Costing just over $10 per skate, this is still a very economical sport compared to many other youth sports.

The Winter League will start in the second half of January ’25.